Enviromental Management

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Enviromental Management

Being aware of the potential environmental impacts of our activities, Elecnor has defined and applies the most effective corrective mechanisms to minimize these impacts.

Elecnor Group has incorporated activities contributing to protecting the environment and natural resources as an intrinsic part of its business operations. These activities include, among others, generating renewable energies, processing and recycling water, and efficiently using energy in each of its actions, as established in the Energy Policy.

The strategy of the Elecnor Group in terms of Environmental Management is governed by the following principles of conduct:

  • Incorporation of the environmental aspect into the decision-making processes regarding investments and the planning and realisation of activities, by fostering consideration of this aspect in cost-benefit analyses.
  • Promotion of the protection, conservation and sustainable use of the natural environment (air, water, soil, flora, fauna and landscape) through the adoption of specific preventive, palliative and compensatory measures, aimed at the prevention or the restoration of zones which may be affected by the Group’s activities.
  • Responsible and efficient management of water resources, by looking after every aspect of the full cycle, supporting social development and the conservation of ecosystems.
  • Involvement of all of its interest groups (employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers and society in general) in the joint search for useful solutions to the challenge of conserving and developing the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources.